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🎀 飛躍芭比藝術歷史 60 載

近日電影 《 Barbie 芭比 》火熱上影,引起坊間熱烈討論,原來芭比已有超過 60 年歷史之久,當中在藝術史上亦留下不少經典足跡。

#芭比 原是一款由 #RuthHandler 為了激勵年輕女孩展望未來而創造的時尚娃娃,芭比的設計亦反映了不同時代的風格和職業,最早期的造型靈感源自 1950 年代影視巨星 #ElizabethTaylor#MarilynMonroe 等。

1986年,#AndyWarhol 畫了一幅芭比肖像,這其實是密友 #BillyBoy 的肖像,一位狂熱的芭比收藏家。 BillyBoy強調只有 Warhol 當他是芭比時,他才會允許他畫他的「 肖像 」。

#CatherineThéry 在 2009 年發佈的《 Pas celles que vous croyez 》系列以芭比取代著名藝術作品中的角色。該系列作品探索和質疑古典藝術中代表的性別動力、女性氣質和宗教的傳統理想。

芭比於 2016 年受邀參加巴黎裝飾藝術博物館舉辦的展覽,合共展出超過 700 多個娃娃及當代藝術家的作品。 這展覽以芭比的生活為背景,藉此反映幾十年來美國文化的變動。

為紀念在 2020 年的世界藝術日,#Mattel 推出了一款全新芭比,靈感源自經典藝術家 #JeanMichelBasquiat ,這娃娃配有 #Basquiat 標誌性的王冠以及一身向他非凡藝術生涯致敬的服飾。

#Barbie was created by Ruth Handler as a fashion doll to inspire young girls to look towards the future and reflect the times with an ever-changing style and career. Initially, Barbie's appearance was inspired by 1950s movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe.

In 1986, Andy Warhol painted a portrait of Barbie, which was actually intended as a portrait of his close friend BillyBoy, who was an avid Barbie collector. BillyBoy insisted that he would only allow Warhol to paint his "portrait" if it was of Barbie.

Catherine Théry's "Pas celles que vous croyez" series from 2009 replaces characters in famous artwork with Barbies. The series aims to explore and question traditional ideals of gender dynamics, femininity, and religion represented in classical art.

In 2016, Barbie was invited to an exhibition at the Museée des Arts Deécoratifs in Paris featuring over 700 dolls and work by contemporary artists. The exhibit contextualizes Barbie's life and serves as a reflection of changing American culture throughout the decades.

To commemorate World Art Day 2020, Mattel has launched a new Barbie doll inspired by the iconic artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. The doll features Basquiat's signature crown and an outfit that pays tribute to his remarkable career.

🖼️ Cover photo: Ethan James Green for Vogue, Summer 2023.

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