自 1882 年動工以來,#聖家堂 一直是西班牙 #巴塞隆納 最具代表性的建築之一,擁有超過一百四十多年的歷史,是世界上最大型的未完工的教堂。其高聳與獨特的建築設計,更被聯合國教科文組織納入為 #世界遺產 。
著名建築師安東尼・高第 #AntoniGaudi 於1883 年接手該聖家堂的建設項目。他的宏願是建造共 18 座塔樓,每一座象徵不同的聖經人物,包括十二門徒、四位福音書作者、聖母馬利亞和耶穌基督。然而,當高第於 1926 年去世時,工程僅完成了不足四分之一。
第四代項目負責人早前於 2015 年宣布施工達成 70%,而隨著代表四位福音傳道者的四座塔樓於 2023 年剛剛落成,工程正式踏入最後階段,代表聖家堂建築達到了一個重要的里程碑。
聖家堂 @basilicasagradafamilia 在9月29日的帖文中表示「 四位福音書作者的塔樓已完成!我們很快就會慶祝這建築的重要里程碑 」。在 11 月 12 日當天,聖家堂正式進行彌撒儀式,四座福音書作者塔樓一同被照亮,並將在整個聖誕節期間保持著光芒。
Construction of the Sagrada Familia began in 1882, and since then, it has become one of the most iconic buildings in Barcelona. After more than 140 years, it still remains the largest unfinished church in the world. The building’s towering and distinctive architectural design has earned it the distinction of being among UNESCO’s World Heritage sites.
The Sagrada Familia was entrusted to the renowned architect, Antoni Gaudi, in 1883. His grand vision was to erect 18 towers, each representing a biblical figure, such as the Twelve Apostles, the four Gospel writers, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Gaudi passed away in 1926 with only 10 to 15 percent of the work completed.
As early as 2015, the project leader declared that 70% of the construction of the Sagrada Familia was finished. In 2023, the completion of the four towers, representing the four evangelists, marked the official beginning of the final stage. This is an important milestone for the project.