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【 EngSub 】 藝術專訪 王澤 │ 《 老夫子 》作者 │ 笑中帶淚的集體回憶

🏛️ Lucie Chang Fine Arts @lucie_chang_fine_arts

🎨 王澤個展「 老夫子 • 花前月下 」

📆 2023年 9月27日 至 11月25日

📍 香港 黃竹坑道65號 志昌行中心 12樓C室

Arlevard 非常榮幸邀請香港文化瑰寶、經典漫畫代表《 #老夫子@oldmasterq_official 作者 #王澤 教授進行專訪,分享他如何接捧父親 —— 第一代《 老夫子 》作者 #王家禧 的心路歷程,見證陪伴香港人接近六十年的《 老夫子 》如何由最初報刊上的四格六格漫畫,發展成單行本漫畫,再走向今天的當代藝術,一點一滴珍貴回憶皆由王澤教授娓娓道來。

與此同時,王澤教授的展覽現正在香港 Lucie Chang Fine Arts 舉行中,就像家人在月圓之夜團圓一樣,《 老夫子 》的角色們在疫情後回到香港,準備在展覽中與大家重聚。收藏家及《 老夫子 》的粉絲們如有意進一步了解《 老夫子 》的當代藝術,實在不容錯過!


#王澤 教授是《 老夫子 》漫畫的第二代作者、老夫子哈媒體股份有限公司創辦人。畢業於美國克蘭布魯克藝術學院 ( Cranbrook Academy of Art )。自 1983 年任教美國費城藝術大學 University of the Art 建築系十餘年,期間創建建築研究所並擔任所長,1990 年獲頒終身教職。2016 年從台灣實踐大學建築系退休。這些年間應邀至歐、美、亞洲等多國大學進行演講、建築論壇分享及展覽,也在多國舉辦建築及藝術創作個展與聯展,受到諸多重量級報刊雜誌的報導。

Arlevard is thrilled to have Professor Wong Chak Joseph, the renowned author of Hong Kong’s classic comic “Old Master Q” join us for an in-depth interview. He candidly shared his journey of taking over from his father, the 1st-generation “Old Master Q” creator Alfonso Wong, and how he witnessed the comic’s evolution over more than a decade. He recounted every precious memory of how the comic, which began as a 4-panel and 6-panel comic in newspapers, has developed into a standalone piece of art and a contemporary phenomenon.

Meanwhile, Lucie Chang Fine Arts is now presenting Professor Wong‘s exhibition “Blossoms Under Moonlight”, featuring the beloved characters from “Old Master Q”. The exhibition provides an opportunity for collectors and fans to reconnect with the characters and explore the contemporary art of “Old Master Q”.

About Artist

Professor Wong Chak Joseph is the 2nd-generation author of “Old Master Q”, and the founder of OMQ Zmedia Ltd. He is also a retired professor from the Department of Architecture at Taiwan Shih Chien University, having also taught at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and founded the Institute of Architecture. He has given lectures, shared in forums, and held exhibitions on architecture and art in many countries and has been reported by many newspapers and magazines.


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