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Tiffany & Co. x Daniel Arsham x Pokemon 最經典的跨界聯乘

珠寶品牌 Tiffany & Co. @tiffanyandco 與藝術家 Daniel Arsham @danielarsham 早於 2021 年展開合作,將經典小藍盒變成具歷史感的青銅雕塑。此後,他們亦曾經聯乘推出限量籃球、青銅掛鎖雕塑及手鐲等。

今次合作則以 2022 年展覽 《 A Ripple in Time 》 作為靈感,選出 #比卡超#小火龍#車厘龜#波波球#卡拉卡拉 ,以及 #夢夢 六位初代寶可夢 @pokemon 角色,結合 Tiffany 精湛工藝推出的一系列首飾。

最大亮點商品就屬「 比卡超18K黃金鑲鑽項鍊 」,配合大家印象深刻的黃色比卡超,是系列中唯一以K金製作的角色,鑲嵌鑽石增添閃耀,更分為大小兩種尺寸提供選擇,以Tiffany Blue精靈球裝載。還有將6大人氣角色串聯在一起的「霧黑純銀鏈墜」,跟其他角色款式皆以聯名系列特製小藍盒包裝。

顧客可於11月29日前往 Tiffany 官方網站作抽籤登記,抽籤結果將於12月1日公佈,詳情請參閱 Tiffany 官方網站。

In 2021, jewelry brand Tiffany & Co. partnered with artist Daniel Arsham to create a bronze sculpture of its signature blue box. Since then they also released limited basketballs, Lock sculptures and bangles inspired by the iconic Tiffany designs.

Inspired by the 2022 exhibition A Ripple in Time, the collaboration has selected six classic first-generation Pokémons, including #Pikachu , #Charmander , #Squirtle , #Jigglypuff , #Cubone , and #Mew , and each brought to life through the art of Tiffany craftsmanship.

The most popular product is the “Pikacho 18K gold and diamond necklace,” featuring a yellow Pikachu character made of K gold and inlaid with diamonds. It comes in small and large sizes and is packaged in a Tiffany Blue Poké Ball. Other character styles are available, including a “matte black sterling silver pendant” connecting 6 popular characters, all packaged in a special small blue box from the joint series.

Visit Tiffany’s official website on 29th November to enroll for an opportunity to purchase. Please refer to official website for details.

▪資料及圖片轉載自 Tiffany & Co.


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