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Tanya Gomelskaya / 怪奇美學的自我療癒 內心陰暗面破框而出

Tanya Gomelskaya 出生於俄羅斯,五歲移居美國。她以無縫揉合雕塑和繪畫而聞名。她的作品創意非凡,可以讓不同的元素從畫布上跳出來,讓觀眾被逼真的三維效果所吸引。

Tanya 下了多年苦工研究人體寫真,她曾經細心觀察自己的皮膚如何在骨頭上成型,發現自己的指尖如何在陽光下變成半透明狀態,甚至發現小小指甲內竟埋藏著各種色彩。這一切激發了她對人體寫生的熱情。為了呈現這些超現實的效果,她甚至會雕刻、敲擊及火燒作品,最終她成功揉合人像寫生與雕塑作畫。

Tanya 認為藝術作品是她內心世界的一面鏡,而創作過程助她平衡「力量與焦慮」、「勇氣與恐懼」及「自信與自我懷疑」。她亦希望透過這些作品展現最純粹的人性時刻,並以仔細的描繪加以點綴修飾,與觀眾分享她的怪奇美學。

Tanya Gomelskaya, born in Russia, moved to the US at 5. She is known for her unique artworks that seamlessly combine sculpture and painting. Her creations have the remarkable ability to make elements jump off the canvas, captivating viewers with their three-dimensional presence.

She spent countless hours studying figure drawings, observing how her skin molds over bones, noticing how fingertips almost turn translucent in sunlight, and uncovering a whole range of colors within a pinky nail. Describing her passion for painting skin as an obsession would be an understatement. To bring these surreal art out of the frame, she even burned, hammered and carved the frame. As a result, she successfully combined drawing and sculpture.

Tanya ’s artworks reflect her journey of navigating the world: harmonizing anxieties and strengths, fear and courage, self-doubt and confidence beneath a composed facade. Her goal is to spotlight a purely human moment, embellishing it with captivating details, in the hope that viewers will perceive its beauty as she does.

📷 @tanya

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Tanya Gomelskaya 怪奇美學的自我療癒 內心陰暗面破框而出

Published on October 25, 2024

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