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Sydney Swisher / 舊店拾遺打造虛構場景 走進最美好的懷舊時光

Sydney Swisher @sydswisher是一位來自美國伊利諾州南部自學成才的畫家,擅長於碎花舊布上創作油畫。在這科技發展迅速的時代,她從懷舊物料及科技中找尋靈感。透過追溯自身的童年回憶以及參考陳年的家庭照片,她先用電腦創作懷舊的虛構場景,然後在從舊物店找到的碎花布上繪畫,最後加入蕾絲及珍珠等呈現立體視覺。


Sydney Swisher is a self-taught painter from southern Illinois that specialises in oil on fabric paintings.  In an era defined by technological acceleration, her work explores the intersections of memory, materiality, and machine intelligence. By prompting generated images through descriptions of childhood memories and referencing family film photos, she creates familiar yet digitally fabricated scenes that are then painted on thrifted textile.

Her paintings honor the silent work that crafted the tapestry of the world we fall heir to.  Scenes that are specific to no one but evoke collective nostalgia probe the evolving nature of human experience in the digital age.  They allow us to step into a familiar time, to experience a sense of warmth and comfort that is often associated with home, and to have a deeper appreciation for the complexity of our unique history.

📷 Sydney Swisher

更多藝術資料,請追蹤 @arlevard


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