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SEEFOOD ROOM / Marcelo Canevari and Ornella Pocetti: Find Me At The End Of The Cave

SEEFOOD ROOM / Marcelo Canevari and Ornella Pocetti: Find Me At The End Of The Cave

Marcelo Canevari The Tiger And The Ghost, 2024
Marcelo Canevari The Tiger And The Ghost, 2024

SEEFOOD ROOM 畫廊現正舉辦由 City Of Talents @cityoftalents 策劃的 Marcelo Canevari @marcelocanevari 和 Ornella Pocetti @ornellapocetti 的雙人展《 Find Me At The End Of The Cave 》 。

Ornella Pocetti, The Arch, 2023
Ornella Pocetti, The Arch, 2023

這對活躍二人組 Canevari 和 Pocetti 早在 2018 年起已開始在藝術上交流,故此他們時常在畫作內埋下只有彼此才明白的秘密語言。他們的怪奇作品曾現身於多個二重奏展覽和音樂專輯封面中,獨特的化學作用更得到不少國際畫廊和音樂家的認可。他們的創作中充滿各式各樣的象徵意義及超現實主義,並在構圖上配以不可思議的場景和奇怪生物,與畫作內的寧靜的風景形成鮮明對比。是次系列的作品散發著一種神秘的美感,彷彿邀請觀眾躲進那籠罩夢幻閃電的避風港。

二人的畫作皆環繞遊戲為題,其靈感來自於Canevari 與已故父親在過去時常一起繪的的溫馨回憶,就像集合在畫作《 Exquisite Corpse 》內的每個角色都在輪流參加遊戲。然而在他父親去世後,最後的一場遊戲被迫終止,畫布上留下只剩下神情哀傷的Canevari 。隨著Canevari 和 Pocetti 之間秘密語言的演變,最終在他們的畫作上發展出苦樂參半的結局,並由兩人的默契創作下永久封存。




Marcelo Canevari
Marcelo Canevari

Marcelo Canevari 1984 年生於阿根廷,曾接受培訓並擔任為阿根廷的自然插畫家,並參與阿根廷自然科學博物館和國家公園管理局的科學傳播計畫。當他還是個孩子的時候,他跟從已故的生物學學家和插畫家父親在那裡學習繪畫,由於他們經常一起創作自然風景畫,這段重要的經歷激發了Canevari 進一步探索他的想像力,並藉此獲取靈感。

Ornella Pocetti 1991 年出生於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯。 2015年,她曾在阿根廷的Acéfala 畫廊舉辦了首次個展「 Defing time 」。 2019年,她被選中參加在穆納爾藝術中心舉辦的「 Artistas x Artistas 」活動。她的作品可以在博物館和畫廊以及書籍封面、電影海報和兒童讀物等其他媒介中找到。目前她正在阿根廷工作,管理 Paz Soldán 藝術工作室,並且是藝術家團體「 Viento dorado 」的一員。

Ornella Pocetti, Marcelo Canevari The Cave, 2023
Ornella Pocetti, Marcelo Canevari The Cave, 2023

Find Me At The End Of The Cave, a duo exhibition curated by City Of Talents @cityoftalents , features the artwork of Marcelo Canevari @marcelocanevari and Ornella Pocetti @ornellapocetti

Ornella Pocetti I Died For Beauty, 2023
Ornella Pocetti I Died For Beauty, 2023

The duo paint through a game-like approach inspired by Canevari’s heartwarming practice with his late father - he and his late father used to paint together like playing Exquisite Corpse, a game where a collection of images is collectively assembled as each member takes turns to add to the composition. Upon his father’s passing, the final game was involuntarily at halt, leaving a mourning Canevari unreciprocated on the canvas. As the secret language evolved between Canevari and Ornella, the final painting found its bittersweet closure, sealed by the duo’s tacit companionship.

The end of the rainbow is a vividly positive imagery often used to describe a place that holds treasure, yet is also difficult to reach. With a poignant twist, the duo decided to shelter this series at the end of the cave instead, with their secret language scribbled across the walls to archive their shared universe.

Please come visit the surrealistic exhibition of the Argentinian duo at Seefood Room @seefoodroom , G/F, 1 Prince’s Terrace, Mid-Levels in Hong Kong, till August 17th.

Painter Marcelo Canevari (b. 1984, Argentina) formerly trained and worked as an illustrator of Argentinian nature, participating in scientific dissemination projects at the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences and the National Parks Administration. When he was a child, he learnt to paint from his late father who was a biologist and an illustrator, and they would often paint natural landscapes together until a pivotal accident that inspired Canevari to further explore his imaginations for inspiration.

Ornella Pocetti
Ornella Pocetti

Ornella Pocetti was born in Buenos Aires in 1991. In 2015, she had her first solo show, “Defying time“ at Acéfala Gallery (Bs As, Argentina). In 2019 she was selected to participate in “Artistas x Artistas”, at Munar Art Center. Her work can be found in museums and galleries, and also in other mediums such as book covers, movie posters, and children's books. Currently, she works in Argentina, managing Paz Soldán Art Studio, where she has her studio, and as a part of the artist collective “Viento dorado”.

🗓️ 2024年8月2日 至 8月17日

🕰️ 12pm - 7pm ( 星期二至五 ) | 12pm - 5pm ( 星期六 )

香港半山 太子臺 一號地下


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