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Marvelous Media Engine 夢幻音樂盒通往 宮崎駿異想世界

#吉卜力工作室@ghiblivideos 的全新作品《 #蒼鷺與少年 》近日於多倫多國際影展舉行首映,並即將於全球公開上映。外界亦盛傳這部作品很有可能是現齡 82 歲、日本動畫界殿堂級大師 #宮崎駿 的真正退休之作,引起眾多支持者的關注和期待。

另一邊廂,動畫師 Marvelous Media Engine @marvelous_media_engine 利用 CG 技術打造成音樂盒影片 ,令觀眾可以透過手機屏幕,重溫宮崎駿系列內的各個經典場景。據了解製作單位並沒有就影片真正製作實體的音樂盒,所以影片中所有的音樂盒都是「 非賣品 」。

近日製作單位就根據動畫《 貓之報恩 》及《 心之谷 》,分別打造出超現實的夢幻作品。《 #貓之報恩》音樂盒模擬電影中的學生女主角小春和貓男爵 Baron 在遨遊天際的片段,打開後將小春在雲朶上漫步的畫面重現眼前,神還原故事場景;《 #心之谷 》音樂盒則重現女主角月島雫和男主角天澤聖司一起乘單車在公路上出演的浪漫片段,開動後二人在市中心中浪漫遊走,配上 CG 影片製作令夢幻場景得以完美呈現出,令觀眾有種彷如身臨其境的感覺。

Renowned Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki‘s latest piece, #TheHeronAndTheBoy debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival and is set to be released globally. There is speculation that this work may be the final project of the 82-year-old anamator, adding to the anticipation and interest of his devoted fans.

Marvelous Media Engine, a video creator, has employed CG technology to create CG music box videos. These unique videos enable viewers to relive different classic scenes from Hayao Miyazaki’s series right on their mobile phone screens. It‘s important to note that the production unit did not produce actual physical music boxes for the film. Therefore, all the music boxes in the video are ”not for sale.“

The production unit has created surreal CG animations based on #TheCatReturns and #TheValleyOfTheHeart to simulate scenes from the movies. The animation for ”The Cat Returns“ reproduces the scene of Haru and the cat Baron flying in the sky, while the animation for ”Whisper of the Heart“ reproduces the romantic scene of Tsukishima and Amasawa riding a bicycle together. Using CG film production, the dreamy scenes are perfected to make the audience feel as if they are actually there.

📷 Marvelous Media Engine @marvelous_media_engine


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