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Long Story Short / Cindy Bernhard / Christ on the Cross ( after Rubens )

芝加哥藝術家辛蒂·伯恩哈德( Cindy Bernhard ) 的新畫作《 Christ on the Cross ( after Rubens ) 》現正在位於紐約格蘭德街291 號Long Story Short 的Short Story 展覽窗展出。


Long Story Short announces Cindy Bernhard’s new painting, Christ on the Cross (after Rubens), on view at Short Story, 291 Grand Street, New York, through September 22nd.

In this bold reinterpretation of Rubens’ iconic work, Bernhard combines religious iconography with her signature wit and psychological depth, inviting contemplation of themes like mortality and spirituality.

Long Story Short / Cindy Bernhard / Christ on the Cross ( after Rubens )

Published on September 13, 2024


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