法國巴黎11月12日晚上,法國當代藝術家 #JR@jr 、#DamienJalet@damienjalet 及 #DaftPunk 成員 #ThomasBangalter@thomas.daftpunk 於 #巴黎歌劇院 聯手呈獻一場名為 《 蝙蝠 》 的街頭表演,吸引超過 25,000 名觀眾聚集在歌劇院廣場欣賞。
這場歷時 20 分鐘的表演由 Damien Jalet 編排舞蹈、Thomas Bangalter 編曲,並由歌劇院首席舞者 Amandine Albisson 負責開場獨舞。153名舞蹈員穿上 Chanel @chanelofficial 設計的黑白斗篷,在高度逾十層樓的鋼架上 「 蝙蝙 」 起舞。JR 的概念源於光明與黑暗的永恆角力,呼應我們的內心掙扎和自我懷疑。到了表演尾聲,舞蹈員組成 「 Darkness Holds the Grace of the Light 」 字樣,藉此表達即使身處在動盪的時代,也總會找到光明與希望。
On Nov12, 2023, French artist JR presented a performance titled “Chiroptera” at the Opéra Garnier in Paris. The performance was choreographed by Damien Jalet with music by Daft Punk’s Thomas Bangalter. This one-night-only performance attracted a crowd of 25,000.
The stage curtain opened to unveil 153 dancers wearing B&W costumes designed by Chanel, gracefully dancing on a 10-floor scaffolding. JR’s artistic concept is based on the eternal conflict between light and darkness that resonates with our inner struggles and moments of self-doubt. The performance ends with dancers forming the phrase “Darkness Holds the Grace of the Light” to symbolize the discovery of light and hope even in the most turbulent times.
▪資料及圖片轉載自JR / Damien Jalet / Thomas Bangalter