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Gallery Ascend Annabel Faustin 首次香港個展「 The Sun will rise again 」

Gallery Ascend 現正呈獻法國藝術家 Annabel Faustin 的第四個個展「 太陽將再次升起 」,是一次穿越想像的旅行。她在南方的童年經歷以及佛教和道教等靈性思想給我們帶來了前所未有的啟發。

Faustin 將兩個截然不同的世界無縫地融合起來,並且栩栩如生地呈現了她的獨特宇宙。她的創作植根於各式各樣的當代問題,例如生態意識和女權主義新崛起,而她巨大的人物和絢麗色彩就是來自她天馬行空的奇幻世界。本系列以《 A Simple Joy 》的清新晨光開始,以代表午間的《 The Water Lily Lake 》作延續,並以晚間的《 The Night Watcher 》作結。


#AnnabelFaustin@annabelfaustin 1989 年生於法國南部土倫,並於 2013 年畢業於 École Estienne。在巴黎和紐約舉辦了多次展覽,現時由巴黎 #GalerieZberro 代理。她的畫作旨在與我們分享這些女性人物面對自然時的優雅狀態,當我們離開畫作時,我們想凝視的是天空,而不是手上的智能手機。

Gallery Ascend is proud to present Annabel Faustin’s fourth solo show ‘The Sun will rise again’. This exhibition is both an invitation to contemplate nature and a message of hope.

Faustin composed these paintings as a time travel and a way to reconnect to the light evolution during the days. We begin with the fresh morning light of ‘A Simple Joy’, we continue with the midday light of ‘The Water Lily Lake’ and we finish with the darkest sky of ‘The Night Watcher’. This time travel is a chance for the artist to explore the magic.

▪About Artist

Annabel Faustin was born in Toulon, South of France in 1989, and graduated from École Estienne in 2013. Faustin has held several exhibitions in Paris and New York and is currently represented by Galerie Zberro in Paris. Her paintings aim to share with us the graceful state of these female figures in the face of nature.

🗓️ 2023年7月15日 至 8月2日

🕰️ 11am - 7pm ( 星期二至六 )

香港黃竹坑 香葉道43號 The Arca 8B

▪資料及圖片由 Gallery Ascend 提供


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