#FrankMoore (1953 年 6 月 22 日-2002 年 4 月 21 日)出生於紐約,在長島長大,並習慣與家人在阿迪朗達克山脈度過夏天。 從童年起,他就對自然世界產生濃厚的興趣。
Moore 是一位著名藝術家,曾獲得洛根藝術獎章,也是愛滋病藝術家核心小組的成員。他積極推動多項成功的運動,包括著名的「紅絲帶運動」、「沒有藝術的一天」和「沒有光的夜晚」。
Moore 就讀於耶魯大學,於 1975 年以優異成績畢業,並於 1977 年至 1979 年在巴黎國際藝術城進修。他的藝術作品於 1979 年開始出現在群展中,當時他亦擔任現代舞編舞家 Jim Self 的佈景設計師。
深受超現實主義的影響,Moore 的畫作經常描繪夢境場景和未來風景,時常帶有環境潛台詞,或是提及愛滋病的影響。他於 2002 年 4 月 21 日死於愛滋病,享年 48 歲。2012 年末,紐約大學舉辦了雙展「有毒之美」,其中包含對 Moore 作品最全面的回顧。 他的妹妹 Rebecca Moore 在他去世後,完成了他為藝術家設立 Gesso 基金會的遺願。
Frank Moore (June 22, 1953 – April 21, 2002) was born in New York. He grew up on Long Island and spent his summers with his family in the Adirondacks. From his earliest youth, he had a strong interest in the natural world.
Moore is a New York-based artist who won the Logan Medal of the Arts and was a member of the Visual AIDS Artist Caucus. He was involved in various successful projects, including the renowned (Red) Ribbon Project and A Day Without Art, and A Night Without Light.
Moore attended Yale, where he graduated summa cum laude in 1975, and he studied at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris from 1977 to 1979. His art began appearing in group exhibitions in 1979, as he worked as a set designer for modern dance choreographer #JimSelf in Manhattan.
Deeply indebted to Surrealism, Moore's paintings frequently depict dream scenarios and futuristic landscapes, often with environmental sub-texts (in a picture-postcard Niagara Falls, chemical signatures of pollutants drift in the mist), or references to AIDS (in Viral Romance, 1992, a reversed bouquet blooms human immunodeficiency virus). He died of AIDS on April 21, 2002, aged 48.
Late in 2012, the double exhibition Toxic Beauty, comprising the most comprehensive review of Moore's work, was on view at New York University. His sister Rebecca Moore completed his work setting up the #gessofoundation for artists after his death.