#DavidHockney 是二十世紀最具影響力的英國藝術家。由於他享受美國加州的陽光,以及對同性戀的開放態度,他毅然於 1963 年移居到洛杉磯,並在那裡生活了四十餘年。Hockney 受到了美國加州多如繁星、各式各樣的泳池所啟發,從而在 60 至 70 年代創作了許多關於泳池,並且極具代表性的作品,他嘗試以不同的技術和媒材來捕捉光線在水面上的折射。
《 藝術家肖像(游泳池畔的兩個人) 》 ( 1972 ) 的構圖源自於 Hockney 工作室地板上,偶然並排的兩張照片:一張是一個穿著白色泳褲的男人在水中蛙泳,而另一張則是一個衣冠楚楚的男孩凝視著地面。Hockney 按照最初的構圖,在法國聖特羅佩的一座泳池別墅中,拍攝了許多參考照片。然後,他將這些照片與前男友 #PeterSchlesinger 在肯辛頓花園穿著粉色夾克的照片結合起來。為表達剛剛痛失愛情以及前男友渴望找尋新伴侶的無奈,Hockney 描繪了一名正在向 Schlesinger 游去的男子,以傳達複雜的慾望和憂鬱,恰巧與畫中的寧靜和陽光形成鮮明對比。
《 藝術家肖像(游泳池畔的兩個人) 》 於 2018 年在佳士得,以驚人的 9030 萬美元成交,使該作品成為最高成交額的在世藝術家之作品;此作亦被廣泛認為是 Hockney 最具代表性的作品。
David Hockney is one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. He relocated to Los Angeles, California in 1963 for its sunny climate and progressive attitudes toward homosexuality and remained there for the next forty years. Hockney was inspired by the abundance of pools in California, which led to numerous iconic paintings of pools in the 1960s and 1970s. He experimented with different techniques and medium to capture the reflection of light on water in his paintings.
The composition of "Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)" ( 1972 ) was inspired by the serendipitous juxtaposition of two photographs on Hockney’s studio floor: one of a man in white trunks swimming breaststroke underwater, and the other of a fully clothed boy gazing at the ground. Hockney acknowledges lost love and Schlesinger's desire for a new partner by adding the man swimming towards Schlesinger. The artwork conveys emotions of desire and melancholy, which are contrasted against the painting's serene and sunny backdrop.
Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) was sold at Christie’s in 2018 for an astonishing US$90.3 million. This sale made it one of the most expensive works ever sold at auction by a living artist. The painting is also widely recognised as Hockney's most iconic work.