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Bond Truluv 擴增實境AR塗鴉 跳出畫框的塗鴉藝術

Bond Truluv 在1983年出生於德國。他從2000 年代初開始愛上塗鴉,此後一直致力於發掘新的塗鴉表達方式。 他對不同形式的美術和平面設計感興趣,豐富的旅遊經歷成就了他千變萬化的創作方式。

作為一名多媒體藝術家,Truluv 積極嘗試運用各種媒材,例如:畫布、裝置、視像投映,以及曝光攝影等。近年專注研發創新技術,而他更成為最早期將 AR 動畫融入作品中的塗鴉藝術家之一。這項創新手法突破了當代藝術的界限,不但創造了極其生動的畫像,更改變了作品在特定場地使用的限制。

Truluv 最具代表性是他的超現實建築風格、「復古未來」抽象主義的構圖,以及簡約字體的互相融合。 他的作品精密細緻、耐人尋味,帶給歡眾身臨其境的沉浸式體驗。 Truluv 以 AR 技術為自己的作品注入生命力,實現了他夢寐以求的超現實風格。

A Graffiti Artist Pushing the Boundaries of Contemporary Art

Bond Truluv was born and raised in Germany in 1983. He discovered his passion for graffiti-writing in early 2000s and has since been devoted to exploring new ways of composing letters and calligraphic expressions. He is also interested in different forms of fine art and graphic design, and his love for transformation and variation is cultivated through his extensive travels.

As a multimedia artist, Truluv experiments with various materials such as canvas, installations, videomapping, and long exposure photography. Recently, he has been focusing on new technologies and is one of the first graffiti artists to incorporate augmented reality (AR) animations into his pieces. This innovation has pushed the boundaries of urban contemporary art and created spectacularly vivid images that morph reality and dimensions within the pieces and the locations they are applied in.

Truluv’s signature style is a captivating blend of architectural illusion, retro-futurist abstract chrome constructs, and minimal lettering. It’s an immersive experience filled with intricate details and an overall mood that invites exploration. With the addition of AR technology, the artist can finally bring his pieces to life, achieving the perfect illusion of movement that he always envisioned.

▪資料及圖片轉載自 Bond Truluv


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