#BenjaminShine @benjaminshinestudio 是一位英國藝術家、設計師和發明家,以精湛的 「 薄紗雕塑 」 技藝而聞名。他利用薄紗作為表達媒介,打造出既有詩意又飄逸的作品。在 「 慢動作 」 系列中,他巧妙地採用布料製作出立體人臉,並透過使用熨斗將材料黏合在畫布上,從而固定每個由織物褶皺形成的圖像。
Benjamin Shine is a British born artist, designer, and inventor. Renowned for his mastery of tulle, Shine creates work that is both poetic and ethereal, utilizing fabric as a medium of expression. In his ‘Slow Motion’ series, he skillfully crafts three-dimensional human faces from a single length of fabric. By using an iron, he adheres the material to a canvas, securing each fold of the fabric that shapes the image.
Shine took 10 years to perfect his craft, using nothing but a big piece of tulle and a cheap iron. In that time, he discovered just the right heat, pressure and timing to bring a simple piece of fabric to life. The way the tulle cascades creates a mesmerizing effect, making the portraits appear as if they are crafted from water.
Shine believes that tulle is unique in that it is at once transparent and matte. He explains that the shiny, glossy surface conveys a sense of solidity that dispels any notion of smoke, energy flows, or ghostly appearances. The sculptural technique he employs with this material creates a surreal and delicate visual effect that is unmatched by any other medium.
🎥 Benjamin Shine
更多藝術資料,請追蹤 @arlevard
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Benjamin Shine / 一塊薄紗一個熨斗 褶皺出最唯美雕像
Published on 7 October, 2024