Artspace 1999 / " spine won't remember its wings " Duo exhibition by Shum Hok Kiu and Yuen Lai Yi

“spine won’t remember its wings” is a duo exhibition by Shum Hok Kiu and Yuen Lai Yi. The paintings document the artists' contemplation of time and space.
Echoing the line from Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong by the Vietnamese-American poet Ocean Vuong, Shum reconstructs blurred scenes on the surfaces of the canvases and reexamines the relationship between the environment and the individual. Meanwhile, Yuen connects the scattered and insignificant parts of life to the stream, contemplating the forgotten values and meanings. Both artists were preserving those transient and unforgettable moments in the form of paintings, reminding us to look at the present, as if to feel and capture the past on their backs that may have existed just before in those fleeting moments.
「 脊椎不會記得它的翅膀 」是沈學翹與阮麗怡合作的雙人展覽,繪畫作品紀錄了藝術家對於時間與空間的思考。展覽的主題取自越南裔美國詩人王鷗行的詩作《總有一天我會愛上王鷗行》,沈學翹在平面上重新構建了原本模糊不清的景象,重新審視環境和個人之間的關係;而阮麗怡則試圖將過去生活中看似微不足道的片段和事物描繪成此時此刻的形象,以反思其中被遺忘的價值和意義。這兩位藝術家嘗試以繪畫的方式保存那些短暫卻仍未能忘卻的瞬間,同時專注於當下時刻,感受和紀錄背負著或曾存在的部分。
SHUM Hok Kiu (b.2001)’s artistic practices are mainly paintings. Shum sees art-making as a form of life documentation and emotional expression while she focuses on exploring the uncertainty and effects of the environment on individuals. Aligning with the theory of “Alienation”, Shum’s works are greatly inspired by the daily yet unfamiliar scenarios that she encounters. She simplifies the scenes or objects from daily life into shapes and transforms real scenarios into a quiet and peaceful space from reality.
沈學翹 (b.2001) 的藝術實踐主要為繪畫。沈氏將藝術創作視為一種生活記錄和情感表達的形式,她的作品專注於探索環境中的不確定性對個人的影響。與「異化」理論契合,沈氏的作品深受日常而陌生的場景啟發。她將日常生活中的場景或物件簡化並將其轉化為抽象的形態將真實的場景從現實中轉化為一個安靜祥和的空間。
YUEN Lai Yi (b.2000), concentrates on painting and drawing. She describes herself as a curious yet ineloquent storyteller. Her paintings contain overlooked scenes and fortuitous objects such as candies in grassland and potted apples next to bus stops. By splintering and rearranging these absurd objects into her own story, she creates a world that she feels comfortable with. Reverie gives her respite.
阮麗怡 (b.2000) ,視自身為說故事的人,充滿好奇卻不善言辭。畫作包含被忽視的場景和偶然的物件,例如在草叢的糖果或是巴士站旁邊的蘋果盆栽等。將荒誕的事物粉碎並重新組合出她的故事,創造一個能讓她自在的世界,遐想著得以喘息。
Opening: 8/6 ( Saturday ) 4-7 pm
Date : 7/6 - 30/6
Opening Hour:1-7 pm ( Friday to Sunday|Monday to Thursday by appointment )
Venue: Flat 365,10/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, HK